Direktlänk till inlägg 31 maj 2013


Av Lisbeth - 31 maj 2013 08:48

   Den i Sverige fridlysta stinkpadda är ett groddjur

Nils Ferlin visste en del om grodor..

KLÄTTERGRODA (Nils Ferlin ur Från Mitt Ekorrhjul (1957))

- Ack, klättergroda lilla

Ihärdigt under årens lopp

från gren till gren du kravlat opp.

Nu står du högt i buskens topp

men luktar lika illa.

Nils Ferlin visste inte minst en hel del om människor och dess underart klättergrodor. Många sådana finns i den så kallade hundvärlden... Man kan undra varifrån de kommer och vad som är syftet med de ihärdiga maktanspråken. Det sägs att människor som upplever sig som misslyckade i sitt privata liv, i sin civila karriär - brukar återfinnas i hundklubbars ledning...

Man kan utsträcka jämförelserna ytterliga till den s.k stinkpaddan, även det frekvent förekommande i sammanhanget..

Ens sinne för humor berördes av xxorganisationens tomhet, dess alltigenom charlatanmässiga karaktär: som någon slags ytlig psudoreligion iakttog man en mängd riter och yttre former, tillerkände varandra utomordentliga hederstitlar och kraschaner, inbillade sig göra någon slags andlig insats, maskerade det helas dåraktighet genom vissa former av filantropi och gottade sig i den chans till festligheter, braskande hyllningstal, självuppförstoring, superi och verklighetsflykt som sammanträdena erbjöd..

Dr. Göran Bodegård  - FCI allround-domare & SKK/CS ledamot - skrev något ytterst tänkvärt I DOg World i anslutning till detta, under rubriken

Why do we show dogs?

"Dogs shows have changed radically. The original purpose was to get the result of your breeeding efforts assessed by an expert with the intention of securing the heritage of the breed och supporting its improvement."

"We do our best when we show our dogs - and it is only when the competition itself and the manner of presentation become ends in themselves and lose the connection with the importance of the breed, that there is any risk involved in the sport of competing with show dogs."

"The balance is lost when judges appointed not on their knowledge and merits but because of their economic usefulness regarding the number of breeds they can judge and the size of entries they draw."

"When the economic influence overrides the quality aspect, the show societies do harm to the breeds. When winning at any cost has become much more important than the interests of the breed, the sport has fostered a 'dog addiction' that is harmful to the exhibitor´s mental well-being. "

"It is easy to understand why the competitive sport has become an obsession and compulsion and becomes a threat to the social and economic life of the exhibitor."

 "Dog shows should not be blamed for personal distortions of this sort but undoubtebly the publicity, glamour and fame nowadays connected to these competitions can be rather seductive, even for the most serious breeder if they aim to be a contender for a dog of the year award.""The risk to the breeds are obvious when people start to select their stock on what happens in the show ring rather than through their knowledge and care for the breed."

Det är alltså själva kringgrejen som Yours Truly är kritisk till- och dess profitörer... Har inte sett till så mycket sådant i kattvärlden dock.. How come..?

Ingen bild


31 maj 2013 10:34

I missed you honey...been busy here..you know i can't do anything without you Sweetheart
i am using a new PC
don't have skype installed

I can try to send a little something.. but it will have to go through the US Military Post mail before it got to your Country
only Military Post handle all our mails..i don't mind how long it will take to get to you though

I will on my way out soon for Patrol
don't stop praying for me..I believe in you.


31 maj 2013 14:35

Thank you for telling me.. are you leading a Troop or on your own?

Nice and lovely idea.. interesting however long it takes.. Perhaps the Afghan GPO depends on Camels *lol*

Ingen bild


31 maj 2013 16:53

Leading them.
8 of them,, at the moment
love..DOn't worry..I am well secured
they are all armed

Yes my love..Smile...


31 maj 2013 21:57

Just a short note to say that I enjoyed your msgs.. I´m convinced that you are a motivational leader.. that you walk your talks.. I love your thinking outside the box.

I reckon youl´ll stay posted until 2014


Ingen bild


1 juni 2013 07:41

Never honey.
I will retire immediately when i get back from Afghanistan.


1 juni 2013 20:47

Ok.. I´m so tired now.. goodnight

Ingen bild


3 juni 2013 09:27

Tired of what? why all this ?
You got me worried now..what's the problem ?
go straight to the point /


3 juni 2013 12:07

IDK - now since last days my eyelids been so swollen - it´s so ugly and disfiguring. I never been allergic or anything.. I can hardly see out because my eyelids are so thick..
its bad enough to have red eyes.. but worse is to be tired often.
I dont not want to make you distracted..

Ingen bild


3 juni 2013 14:13

You are not Ugly Lisbeth...have you visited the eye clinic to know the cause of it ?

Hmmm....if you can take a picture of your face and send it to me asap..I will know what to tell you to do.
pls my sweetheart
take a picture of your face ..i might be of help
remember ..i'm a Doctor...


3 juni 2013 21:58

Nope..Thank you so much.. but no thank you.! You will go straight off me if you saw my repulsive complexion....

I just cannot go to a doctor either.. I know you would say that.. but at the moment.. dont ask me to do that..
This is the first time ever I been worried about anything health-related

I dont know why I haven´t been well.. perhaps its stress.. and I just need to sleep and rest..Ok?

Ingen bild


4 juni 2013 06:42


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Lisbeth - 4 februari 2015 10:34

   Vi som  jobbat för tidningen hittar överallt i och utanförorganisationen och har decenniers erfarenhet av faktainsamling ochnyhetsförmedling. Men ack nej! Detta får vi inte ägna oss åt sen de senastetio åren. Medlemmarna kan ju störas i sin rosa...

Av Lisbeth - 26 januari 2015 08:18

    I dagar när pennor höjs mot skyn och millioner manifesterar för yttrandefrihet och pressfrihet, kan man bara konstatera att detta gäller inte den sfär där undertecknad tillbringat större delen av ett yrkesverksamt liv. Journalister är inte v...

Av Lisbeth - 4 november 2014 21:51

  We are in Love and the Love i have for you never change do you know that Love? i feel same here ok.. You are my happiness you always make me feel better I love you more ...

Av Lisbeth - 20 oktober 2014 13:38

    Supreme Champion Yffranes New Moon Rising JW COTY 1 2013 waiting in the wings for judges´decision together wirt Co-owner/Breeder Marina. Yes, "Mandy" was awarded "StockholmsMästare"   His son Yffranes Someone Special aka "Bonney" - our l...

Av Lisbeth - 1 oktober 2014 06:13

Our Kits 4 months of age: Yfffranes Someone Special & Yffranes Tommy-Gun     Photo by Kicki Thenberg ...


SC Ormeryds Clint Eastwood DSM
& Yours Truly

Fråga mig

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