Alla inlägg under juli 2012

Av Lisbeth - 22 juli 2012 21:08


Når dagen kommer 
med tomme lommer 
og den allersidste brandert bæres hjem
er der ikke flere drømme
og gaden ligger øde hen
men når lygterne tændes
så hænger vi sgu på den igen.
Frække chicks og friske fyre
drøner rundt og spiller dyre
i al evighed.
Så kom og ta' mig
hvis du vil ha' mig. 

Av Lisbeth - 20 juli 2012 10:37






Av Lisbeth - 19 juli 2012 09:47

Pekingesen precis som skotten tillhör kulturraser som i hundratals generationer kultiverats till hundar med trevliga talanger och som blivit just det.

Int & Nord Ch Ulvus Ai-Ai Buff.

Raglan Reform Club  

Av Lisbeth - 17 juli 2012 09:14


sweetheart - I just came in not quite long..reading your offline messages
i understand and it makes me so happy
yeah..because what you told me make me happy
It's interesting when a man fell in love with the woman he love most
without you with me this week..No FUN
stay with me and make me happy always
Well...i can't give you any space either days, weeks or months..No way
i won't feel comfortable if i didn't talk to you in a day
it's the love i have make me feel the sweet sensation moving around me
pls don't let us get mad to each other without sense of purpose okay?
we should make ourselves be happy not sad..ok?
it's okay Sweetheart...i never change
i need you.
but i dont want to make you worry or sad
it seems you hardly express yourself more better.
I am sorry..i feel it in the spirit that you are over worried.
nothing can change between us
even though we have miss undestandings..
you ought to know's working in our hearts
our Heart Interests... don't you realised that ?
i can't leave you alone..i will get sick
i can see that you are part of my body
i can't do without you's fine now.. with you i am fine and alive





Av Lisbeth - 16 juli 2012 12:55


Inga Kahlman i Finland, Fennican västgötaspetsar, skickade foto på Rasmus syster Svedala Tilly Talltita.
Hon fick sitt andra Cert och blev även BIR  bland 15 västgötar. Uppfödare: Anita Whitmarsh. ägare & foto Inga Kahlman.

Ovannämnde bror Rasmus är förstås min älskade Svedala Rasmus Berguv. 

Av Lisbeth - 13 juli 2012 08:30

  What is the future ...? Is there a future - for dog sport in the first instance ...? It may be anxiously ask themselves: almost a year away from KF - Kennel council - and not a single sensible and constructive suggestions on how organized dog sport to regain the trust from the public ... All my friends are stuck with unsold expensive puppies ...
And still not talking - whether dog clubs or relevant authorities if they should, namely, the escalating threat to our existence ... It is spelled Rabies ...
For more than ten years there has been terrible and devastating war - not soo far away from us ... And in the war track down communities and infrastructure broken, people flee and abandon their pets! In countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan roam thousands of stray dogs, among them rampant uncontrolled rabies ... Rasbies is the most dreaded and terrible disease which is ... The boundary for the uncontrolled proliferation moves kilometers for miles to the west, almost day by day ... to Europe ... But the spread of infection is to do something about, ivf to minimize. And that is what the U.S Army engaged in, among so many other things ... The image of the U.S Forces is no longer a superior military force which bombarded a peripheral and backward country away to the Middle Ages ... It is a very extensive humanitarian work in progress - from the Swedish media's point of view, unfortunately the scenes ... Our picture of the U.S war effort is carved in stone ... Then let 100,000 small Afghan children learn to read and write, Afghan women are educated, goats, sheep wormed and vaccinated. More than 70% of all dogs are vaccinated against rabies ... This latter in particular has a global significance - the galloping spread of rabies, there is much quiet about - here ... But learn eventually come here ... In the war-damaged countries, communities and infrastructure shattered - thousands of dogs run around ... According to calculations on the low side are more than 55,000 people annually die of rabies ... The U.S Army's troops on the ground fighting to bring down those numbers, and ultimately help people to better lives, it is to us unknown concept ...
And we are not aware of the rabies threat - and how we protect the borders of Sweden ... what good is when all our fine program with MH, Ras, SRD and all that name is ... Wake up! It is a war going on out there - the war against rabies ... The U.S military so far been efforts against rabies might be an explanation for the European sleeping beauty sleep .. All Red Alert Systems should shine in the neon writing ... Reflex-wise looks into the U.S Forces with the same suspicion as a drifting mine! Usually a rash of so-called "revirpinkeri" ... a well-known authority in our country. Try to pay attention to the threat is from veterinary quarters in Sweden dismissed as "American War-propaganda" ...


SANGIHE, INDONESIA (June 11, 2012) An U.S Army Spc. under supervision from the U.S Army Veterinary Officer, centre, administer inoculations during a veterinary civic actions project in Sangihe, Indonesia. Pacific Partnership is an annual U.S Pacific Fleet humanitarian and civil assistance mission U.S military, host and partner nations, non-governmental organizations and international agencies designed to build stronger relationships and disaster response capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Michael Feddersen/released)

Hark... It was even on the Swedish news today (DN) about US interest in the Asia- Pacific region.. as predicted by Yours Truly.. hmm..

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on July 13, 2012 in Phnom Penh. Clinton is in Cambodia to attend ASEAN regional forum and meet with other ministers and leaders to strengthen economic and strategic relationships between the Asian and the US. And that includes health aspects and fight agains rabies..


Bali rabies out-break concerns Australien

WA 2012/There are fears a deadly rabies epidemic in Bali could spread to Australia, after the disease was found on an island only 600 kilometres off Darwin.

Veterinarians and quarantine officials across the north of the country are on alert amid warnings Australia is at risk of an outbreak.

Australia is currently free of rabies but experts fear if the virus is somehow carried to areas around the Top End - which are closest to Bali - it could spread rapidly in an unprotected dog population around settlements, towns and in the wild.

Bali is in the midst of a dog vaccination program after the deaths of more than 100 people since rabies entered the island in 2008.

The Bali outbreak has been linked to a fisherman bringing his infected dog to the holiday island.

Australian Veterinary Association president Barry Smyth said the disease would spread rapidly if it were to enter Australia, as there is no vaccination program against rabies here.

"If it did find its way into Australia, it could create significant problems," he said.

"Rabies can have a long incubation period, so someone who is bitten may not show signs for several weeks."

Dr Smyth urged Australians travelling to Bali to stay clear of any unfamiliar animals.

Federal opposition leader Tony Abbott urged the government to do all it could to prevent the possible spread of rabies.

Read more:



Av Lisbeth - 11 juli 2012 08:09

 Idag ska familjen minus Yours Truly guppa på vågorna på Ålands hav. "Far ror, mor är en orm, mor är hemma med barnen..." Ingrid har dock informerat om att det är Engelska mord med Leif GW på TV ikväll.. Hurra! TV-tablåerna är annars inte mycket att hurra för... Matlagningsprogram - det ena mer enfaldigt än det andra, följt av hembyggeriditon... vilket enbart gagnar att ge ågren till husägare på landet... Svensk television ger en förljugen bild av landsliv; hur det är att bo, ha djur... 

När kommer den nakna sanningen..? Om tillståndet I Riket..? Om Härifrån till Ledigheten?

 Alltså om svensk allergiräddhet, inga hundar på hotell, djur kan låta och lukta bevars! Stressade stadsbor på semester som inte kan acceptera att tuppen gal på morgonen.. Landet ska, tycks det, tjäna som en doft- och ljudlös kuliss för oförlösta sörgårdsdrömmar.!

Livet på landet är inte som på TV.


Av Lisbeth - 9 juli 2012 07:51

Hemma igen efter en vilsam helg i Stockholm och Järva Kattklubbs utställning. Our Boyz Creme Exo Grand Int Ch Yffranes New Moon Rising JW och blackspotted perser Grand Int Ch Ormeryds Clint Eastwood skötte sig med den äran och charmade alla... resultat: var sitt Supreme Certificat och upptogs till Nominering båda dagarna..

Mandy  kopplar av med sin matte... 

och Clint gjorde come-back med stil och BIS-nominering som tidigare meddelats..



SC Ormeryds Clint Eastwood DSM
& Yours Truly

Fråga mig

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