Alla inlägg under mars 2012

Av Lisbeth - 22 mars 2012 11:42

Ingrid flyttar hem idag.. Jippi! (dvs imorgon; redaktionell up-dates)


Just look at the background..! My youngest daughter is bound to contribute to a (more) studios atmosphere... It´s a cultural desert here so all improvements are welcome...

Av Lisbeth - 21 mars 2012 07:15

Friday 16th of March.. President Barack Obama and his Afghan counterpart Hamid Karzaion Friday reaffirmed that US troops would leave Afghanistan by the end of 2014, despite calls for an earlier withdrawal. So far everything for 2012 went to a pot...And most  of it is selfinflicted because of American ignorance..  

Jan 2012 US Soldiers piss on Taliban corpses... Febr. Unintentional burning of Qurans... March - US Sgt. gone barmy, killing 16 Afghans in their homes...

Horrible and terrible, such is War... And now getting worse... All good-will created over the years, every effort for the poor Afghan people ruined... US Military down in the cellar with no takers...

Reading about the Sgt who killed all the civilians make me thinking al lot...

He was doing his 4:th tour, he´s been wounded twice, lost part of his foot, brain-damage from headinjury - the day before the Killing he stood next to a friend who lost one leg in a blast... At home he got Family and small children, his wife was seriously behind payment for their house - yet he could not get out of Afghanistan to support his Family...   
One can imagine the stress and the worry..                                    
The soldier´s Lawyer said: "The sergeant had thought he could avoid this deployment and was upset when he could not.

The family was counting on him not being redeployed. He and the family were told that his tours in the Middle East were over. I think that it would be fair to say that he and the family were not happy that he was going back.” 

It´s always America (and the Military) first and very little concern and compassion for the individual and for human lives. 

Av Lisbeth - 20 mars 2012 08:12

My are so perfect in my eye.
I love you as you love me so much..I keep 
my promises to make you happy forever..
The heart of dreams inside us, begins to mold,
Brought on by flights of fancy within our waiting souls.

It doesn’t cost us to dare to dream, it makes life so much better;
It is built slowly between us, word by word, letter by letter.

Strike a word, add a word, and let our budding dreams take flight.
Let us stack the build blocks to form our coming life.

Would it be that we can be, all we’ve talked between two?
To take the very first step, a home for me and you.

Av Lisbeth - 19 mars 2012 08:30

   Vår Super-Mandy kan nu lägga titeln IC (Internationell Champion) till sitt namn och är nu IC Yffranes New Moon Rising JW


och då blev co-owner Marina så här glad...

inte minst med tanke på att Mandys sköna mamma MissDee erövrade samma merit och blev dessutom bäst i färg båda dagarna - IC Ormeryds Lunar Cheesecake - här i en välförtjänst mysstund med matte på utställningen...  


Foto: Felix Nilsson - tack Felix!

Av Lisbeth - 18 mars 2012 08:56


Our Glorious exo cats Ch Yffranes New Moon Rising JW & Mom Ch Ormeryds Lunar Cheesecake gained their IC tiles in Norway.


Av Lisbeth - 17 mars 2012 16:56

Ingrids älskade skotte Viggo - aka Raglan Reform Club - blir fyra år idag. Grattis Roslagens solstråle från hela baletten!


Av Lisbeth - 17 mars 2012 10:36

  America! Land of Strange Politics
Hiding your Beauty behind Oceans
Land of Hurricanes and Tornados, of Dust and Ashes..
Millions of Military Battling the Wars of Others
Ruminating majestic Buffalos
Tread warily on Prairie grass
Ever aware of what happened to the
Native Shawnees.
One day I will sojourn to your shores
I live in the Frozen North
America! My soul resides in you never-ending Heartland.

Av Lisbeth - 16 mars 2012 09:43

NB - de vackra svanorna äro vända åt "fel" håll - Mandy & MissDee åker i österled för nya stordåd..! Vi håller tummarna.. 


SC Ormeryds Clint Eastwood DSM
& Yours Truly

Fråga mig

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